Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Clearance

You know that saying "don't go shopping for groceries if you are hungry?" Well don't go to Walmart a couple days after halloween when you know you cube needs that one little thing. Walmart was having a clearance sale on all there Halloween items and i went crazy and bought lights and a jack-o-lantern! Ok I didn't go that crazy or at least i was able to contain the crazy (light-sabers were like 3 bucks but i convinced myself not to get one). Anyway My cube looks pretty cool now.
So i forgot to post these from last week's life drawing but here is some new stuff for you to look at.
Song of the day is Sunshine by Matt Costa

1 comment:

SirGecko said...

Why are you so much cooler than I? By the way your blog makes me very happy when you update, so keep doing it often!

What I wish someone had told me before I came to Calarts

  • Get a coffee maker of some kind
  • For your first year don't worry about making a GREAT film. Just make a film.
  • Sketch
  • Make a portfolio, portfolio
  • Don't pull the "all-nighter" just to pull the "all-nighter"
  • Schedule in Breaks
  • Take an english 101 class
  • To get anything done with administration you need to ask more than three times.

My Deviantart

What i like on deviantart