So this post will have a lot in it...hopefully it will be interesting.
Someone once told me that the photographers of National Geographic are the ones who write the articles... and that is why the National Geographic has great photos but sucky articles. I think my blog suffers from a similar fate. See I can post all of these photos and art work to let you know about my experiences at CalArts, but the minute I try and explain anything it just turns into to me pointing out stuff in the photos. Today I just realised I have 12 people following this blog some of whom are people I don't know. I'm not really a reporter of events here, so why do people I don't know look at this blog? That is not a rhetorical question. I would really like to know. LEAVE ME A COMMENT.
Anyway so here are a bunch of my life drawings. I haven't updated these in a while so there are some from last week and the week before that here as well.
We are in the middle of a two-part character design lecture by character designers Shane Prigmore and Shannon Tindle (don't ask me which one is which). They just finished working on Coraline. The first lecture was great and they gave a lot of good advice on character design and just design in general. Like they gave us an example of were someone actually designed characters for the different instruments in this song:
It was really cool and they gave us an assignment to do. Design Oliver, Fagin, and Dodger based off the descriptions in the book Oliver Twist. I already did my designs and I'll be sure to post them after part two of the lecture.
On another note Dead Man's Bones was here looking for people to collaborate on a music video. Dead Man's Bones is a new band but you may recognize their front man from the Notebook. That's right. That is Ryan Gosling. I gave them my info and told them I would love to work on a team project. Here is one of their songs.
Oh yeah and I know I didn't talk much about turning in portfolios but I turned mine in on Monday and already Dan Hanson, Corney Cole, and Jon Gomez have all said they really liked it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
ATTACK OF THE 50FT ANIMATOR IS ALMOST HERE! Our Character animation show is almost here and i am so psyched! The work looks great! Here is some of of my favorite stuff
Always a fan of Skylar's stuff. Check out the Sharks on top!
Really Cool This looks promising Hmm.... Wow it worked The textures on this are awesome Tilt you head for this one Man I can't wait to see this film
Oh and i finished my puppet for my film and have shot some tests. Here is my favorite one:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I'm back at Calarts!
Well I've been back for a little while now but i haven't updated since then. We had a guest speaker on Friday. Mark Osborn, one of the directors of Kung Fu Panda, delivered one of the most useful lectures we've had so far. Mark comes from a largly independent animation background. He gave us an idea about what it's like working indipendently. He did a lot of independent stop motion before he did Kung Fu panda. He did one thing that the other lecturers did not do, he showed us how he got to were he was. He showed us his first animation, his student film Greener, and his film he did while he was a teacher at Calarts called More. It was very cool.
Second order of buisness! I am in the Character animation show at Calarts! So if your in the area stop by and see all the cool art. Here is my set up:
All about CoastARs!
Last year I ran a little Kickstarter for little drink coasters that would
display little AR characters! CoastARs are augmented reality drink
coasters: you ...
Yellowed Pearls
I was always pissed off by the current attitude toward working single women
in China. They label them as leftover women or yellowed pearls. They are
con... Artwork
I was recently commissioned to produce some artwork for longtime gaming
site They had various "What If" scenarios in gaming, each needing
a drawin...
Sketchy Observations...
I decided to start up a new post-CalArts blog. From here on out, all
updates will happen over there:
Mainly cente...