Saturday, October 11, 2008

A lot to cover!

On thursday I went to life drawing. I was going to do some experimentation with cups and plates from the cafeteria but when class started we were all told that mike could not be there today and the model called in sick. So what do you do when the modeland the instructor don't show up? Caricatures! We each took turns posing for five minutes and soon we had caricatures of everyone. It was really fun but bye the time 2 o'clock started to role around i was getting really board.
Here are some of my favorite ones i did:

On Friday we had probably one of the best guest lecturers yet.
Jeff snow (right) worked as a story artist and as a story supervisor on films
like Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Mulan, Tarzan, over the hedge and many others. He taught us some cool things about story boarding , and offered some great advise on story portfolios. He even let us see the boards to a short he worked on at Dreamworks that may or my not be produced and a animatic for a short he is working on himself.
He did a story boarding demonstration to show us how he goes from ruff to a finshed story board and i snagged on of the boards to have him sign it. Here it is:

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What I wish someone had told me before I came to Calarts

  • Get a coffee maker of some kind
  • For your first year don't worry about making a GREAT film. Just make a film.
  • Sketch
  • Make a portfolio, portfolio
  • Don't pull the "all-nighter" just to pull the "all-nighter"
  • Schedule in Breaks
  • Take an english 101 class
  • To get anything done with administration you need to ask more than three times.

My Deviantart

What i like on deviantart